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In their series highlighting women in the industry, On the Road, the official magazine of the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association (UAPA), recognized Maxwell Products’ Sales Support Manager, Nicole Maxwell, for her fine work in the industry and selection to the leadership team of the Utah branch of the Women of Asphalt organization.

MP: How did the article for On the Road come about?
Nicole: I received an email from the magazine saying they would like to talk to me about the Utah chapter of Women Of Asphalt and that the kind people with UAPA brought up my name. I was more than happy to tell about my experiences in the asphalt world and talk about the new Utah Chapter of Women of Asphalt.

MP: Why is now a good time for women in the pavement industry?
Nicole: There are endless possibilities for training and growth for women in this industry. Right now hiring is a big issue, and will continue to be. Any level of experience or education has a path and home in the pavement world.

MP: What would you say is the greatest barrier to women in the pavement industry?
Nicole: The lack of visibility of the opportunities available to us. I am excited to see that changing. Groups like WOA are helping create a bigger voice, telling other women “Hey, this industry is awesome! Come hang out with us.”

MP: What advice would you give women interested in the pavement industry?
Nicole: Do it! And don’t be afraid to learn new skills. You want to learn to drive big machines? Awesome! You want to work in a lab and work on pavement mix and design? Wonderful!

MP: Salt Lake City had an all female pothole crew for a short time. Do you think that was a step in the right direction?
Nicole: I love this so much! Absolutely, a wonderful step. In my time WOA, I have met so many women that run their own crews, and its really great to see.

MP: From your experience with the Utah branch of WOA, what opportunities exist for women in the pavement industry?
Nicole: Anything and everything is available. I have met female business owners, plant managers, engineers, crew leads… the list goes on.

MP: What is the best way for a woman interested in this industry to get help or support?
Nicole: Thats what WOA is here for! Mentorship and support is one of our biggest goals.

Click the following link to access the On the Road article: Meet Nicole Maxwell

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