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Repairing Edge/Shoulder Cracking with:

GAP Mastic Crack Repair

Edge or shoulder cracking can be identified by its location on the pavement; the cracks run longitudinally, located within one or two feet of the edge of the asphalt. This is caused by poor drainage, a lack of support at the asphalt edge, the structural support compromised by heavy vegetation and/or heavy traffic along the edge, or underlying layers weakened due to settlement of underlying material or shrinkage of drying out soil.

For cracks greater than one inch and pavement damage of depths up to two inches, GAP Mastic is a more durable and substantial repair solution than traditional crack sealants. Economical and versatile, GAP Mastic can be applied to wide cracks, cupping, depressions, fatigue cracking (alligatored areas), small voids and potholes, and open seams.

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